Bernt Paul Wentink

Seasons greetings

Management and Volunteers of the Houweling Telecom Museum wish all members, followers, everyone who’s  interested, (former) colleagues, visitors and anyone who wants to visit us next year, Merry Christmas and a happy and  healthy 2025. (For those that wonder about the picture: this was taken at Capelle aan den IJssel during the severe Winter of

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Radio Kootwijk Bandung

A century of “Hallo Bandoeng”; wireless communication between The Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies

On May 5th 1923, the first regular radio-telegraph connection with the (then) Dutch East Indies was put into service, for this purpose a radio station had been built in Kootwijk and a receiving station in Malabar (35 Km south of Bandoeng). In 1916, the scientist C.J. de Groot stated that a long wave radio would

A century of “Hallo Bandoeng”; wireless communication between The Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies Read More »